How about free... Forever !!!

The only premium school software that allows you to use the
basic plan for free for life.


We will migrate all your data!

Upgrade to SchoolDesk without the data migration headache. Our team will securely transfer your current data from outdated systems, completing the process in just a few days.

Experience a smooth transition with minimal disruption, while resting assured your information remains protected.

Application Speed & Reduced Data Usage

SchoolDesk is extremely fast to use for most daily tasks because of its unique architecture. Because SchoolDesk does not require internet access for all actions, the amount of internet data required to use the system is greatly reduced compared to other systems.

In fact, our tests show that using SchoolDesk means 40% less data usage compared to other fully online systems.

The Service

Superior Customer Support

SchoolDesk support is amazing. Our support engineers may be contacted at any time, even during so called odd periods such as weekends and nights.

We provide you with both on-premise and remote support. According to our clients, the stellar support system is one of SchoolDesk’s best attributes.

No Long term contracts, Cancel any time

At SchoolDesk, we believe a good product should hold its own merit over time.

So while others will try to lock you in with a contract that binds you and prevents you from switching easily to other systems, SchoolDesk is offered without any long term binding contract.

If you are unhappy with the product, you may choose to cancel at any time. We will even help you export your data.

Unique Features

All the features you would expect in a modern school management system are present. However, there are several features that are also unique to SchoolDesk.

  • SchoolDesk is years ahead of everything else in terms of smart technology.

  • Our Smart IDs can be used as a pass to board the school bus, or to access the school canteen. They can also be used as debit cards to make purchases across your school campus.

  • This means if you run a boarding facility, you can simply implement SchoolDesk SmartID, and boarders will no longer need to carry cash on campus.

  • Parents can even use the mobile app to transfer money directly into their wards' ewallet, accessible using SmartID.

  • Schools can create bills for a class but choose different options for boarders, females, etc.

  • Schools can create scheduled bills. An example is a bill that is automatically applied to certain students on the 1st of every month.

We can continue this list, but we think its better if you see it live in action. Why not book a demo today!

Online, But Offline

Most systems are either fully online or fully offline. However, our proprietary synchronization algorithm allows SchoolDesk to work seamlessly with or without an internet connection.

This means you get to use features that are only possible because of the internet. When your internet connection is inevitably lost, SchoolDesk will still work!