School Management Made Easy

Upgrade to SchoolDesk now for industry leading security, seamless access to information and improved efficiency.

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Popular Features

Here are some of the features schools love the most...

The Card that changed everything!

We developed a Smart ID Card that transforms into a debit card for making purchases. With this, students can buy food, stationary, etc. No internet for a while? No worries. Payments will still work!

Smart Pickup & Drop-off

Using our Smart ID, drop-offs and pick-ups of children can be recorded with a simple tap. Notifications are instantly sent to parents ensuring complete peace of mind.


No more counting cash or chasing unpaid transport fares - simply swipe your student ID card, and voilà, your bus fare is debited for the day! TransportLink® reconciles each student's account seamlessly.

Comprehensive Accounting

From managing expenses, to tracking fees, to generating financial reports, our intuitive interface empowers you with the tools to streamline financial processes and ensure transparency like never before.


How do you handle your canteen? Cash? Paper tickets? A list of who is owing? Well, let’s introduce you to SchoolDesk’s CanteenBites®. With CanteenBites®, your student ID card is used to make purchases at your school canteen. It works instantly, and cuts down on queueing.

Customizable Permissions & Roles

What if you have no headmaster but an Academic Manager. What if you have a registrar, and a junior registrar, and a head of security? It doesn't really matter! SchoolDesk allows you to create any role and customize it with any privileges, however you want.

Switch in 3 easy steps:


We set up your account


We migrate all your data


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